How to take care of your kidneys after a kidney transplant procedure?

Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplant physicians and surgeons use proven innovations to successfully treat people with kidney failure and complications of diabetes and other diseases. They work with each individual to develop treatments specifically for that person, using a mix of minimally invasive surgery, new medicines to prevent organ rejection and specialized procedures.

What happens in a kidney transplant recovery?

  • People who receive a kidney from a living donor usually have fewer kidney transplant complications than do those who receive a kidney from a deceased donor.
  • Kidney transplant’s success rate is high because doctors and nurses monitor the condition to watch and prevent any signs of complications.
  • The new kidney will make urine like your own kidneys did when they were healthy. Often this starts immediately. In other cases, it may take several days, and you may need temporary dialysis until your new kidneys begin to function properly.

What to do and not to do after the kidney transplant procedure?

  • No lifting objects weighing more than 4kgs or exercise other than walking until the wound has healed (usually about six-eight weeks after surgery)
  • Have frequent checkups as you continue recovering
  • Take blood tests several times a week initially and have your medications adjusted in the weeks following your transplant as suggested by the nephrologists
  • Take medicines called immunosuppressants (anti-rejection medications)to help keep your immune system from rejecting your new kidney
  • Additional drugs help reduce the risk of other kidney transplant complications, such as infection, after your transplant
  • Strictly no smoking and drinking

What about heart disease after a kidney transplant?

  • People with kidney transplants are at greater risk for heart disease
  • Smoking, diabetes, overweight, hypertension, high cholesterol and blood lipids all can affect your kidneys and your heart

How to stay healthy after kidney transplant?

  • Weight control including regular exercise
  • A low salt diet
  • Blood pressure medications: Check your blood pressure as directed by the transplant team. The target blood pressure for people after undergoing a kidney transplant procedure is less than 130/80
  • Since weight gain after a kidney transplant is common due to medication side-effects, maintain a diet as directed by the doctors and dietician.
  • Follow-up visits to check progress on managing your diet or if changes are needed

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