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Welcome to NU Hospitals

NU Hospitals has been pioneering in Nephrology, Urology and Fertility (IVF) treatment over the last 25 years. Our highly specialised experts are richly experienced in treating rare and complex conditions. It was one of the first in Karnataka to conduct a successful kidney transplantation surgery and also the first to equip Urology department with the most advanced flexible endoscopes. Having a robust team of subspecialty specific urology team at NU Hospitals has significantly improved the overall success rates. Men’s Health Clinic is one of its kind in South-India dealing with Men’s Sexual and Reproductive Health. Our Male and Female Fertility (IVF) specialists comprehensively support the couples with the latest treatment and heartfelt compassion every step along the path to parenthood.

NU Hospitals Intro Video


NU Hospitals Intro Video

We hold the interest of the patient to be paramount

NU Hospitals Intro Video

We are committed to providing the highest quality of personalised care that is sustained by medical education of excellent standards.

NU Hospitals Intro Video

We aim to add years of meaningful life to our patients, and to people in general, by promoting preventive health care.

NU Hospitals Intro Video

We will improve health by offering accessible, seamless, comprehensive, and appropriate patient-centered quality health care that will be advanced through continuous learning and relevant research.

NU Hospitals Intro Video


Our Vision is to deliver comprehensive medical services, which showcase the highest standards of both care and medical excellence, sufficiently innovative to be appropriate to our society.

There shall be an atmosphere of continuous learning and research, conscious of the rights and dignity of our patients.

We will also give our employees and consultants, unfettered opportunity to develop professionally, and our shareholders, good returns on investment.

We will achieve this by: Working to implement practices and processes that are standard, measurable in quality and constantly monitored in all areas of our functioning.

Ensuring that our facilities and services demonstrate our compliance with and possibly exceed the standards of our healthcare regulators.

Promoting effective communication within and between all service providers and our patients, to establish a seamless and enhanced teamwork.

Establishing a successful partnership with all our stakeholders, on a foundation of integrity and transparency that will always enhance the reputation of NU Hospitals

NU Hospitals Intro Video

Core Values

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Team Work
NU Hospitals Intro Video
Social Responsibility
NU Hospitals Intro Video
NU Hospitals Intro Video
NU Hospitals Intro Video

Public Notice: NU Hospitals would like to inform the general public that NU Hospitals practices all organ transplants in accordance with The Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994. NU Hospitals does not buy or sell any organ and seriously condemn this act. Every hospital including NU takes details of name, address, phone number while registering the patient.

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