Kidney Cysts: Size and Risks Explained

Kidney cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can form on or in your kidneys. While often harmless, they can sometimes lead to complications. Many patients often fear that kidney cysts are dangerous, or are similar to kidney stones, or might be related to them, etc. In this blog, we will cover various aspects of kidney cysts, including its size, causes, symptoms, treatment, and more.

What is a Kidney Cyst?

A kidney cyst is a round, fluid-filled bag that can form in or on the kidneys. They can be simple or complex, with simple cysts being more common and usually harmless. Complex cysts might require further evaluation by a doctor as they can sometimes be associated with kidney cancer.
A specific genetic disorder known as Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) is associated with numerous cysts completely replacing healthy kidney tissue. ADPKD is associated with kidney failure and can be passed on to subsequent generations. However, all kidney cysts are not due to ADPKD.
Are all kidney cysts of the same size?
Kidney cysts vary in size. A simple kidney cyst can range from a few millimetres to several centimetres in diameter. For instance, it could be as small as 5mm and as large as 9cm. Most simple cysts are small and do not cause any symptoms.

Are Kidney Cysts and Kidney Stones the Same?

No, kidney cysts and kidney stones are not the same. Kidney stones are hard deposits of minerals and salts that form inside your kidneys, while the former are fluid-filled sacs. Kidney stones can cause severe pain, while kidney cysts often do not cause any symptoms.

So, at what point does it cause pain? A kidney cyst can cause pain if it becomes large enough to press on other organs or if it becomes infected or bursts. The pain is usually felt on the sides of your waist or around your backbone.

Symptoms of Kidney Cyst:

Kidney cysts can potentially lead to complications especially if they become large, ruptured, or become infected.
These include-

  • Cyst infection and haemorrhage
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
  • Blood in Urine

When cyst gets infected, it can cause fever and other signs of infection. And unintentional weight loss can occur if a kidney cyst leads to chronic pain or infection that affects your overall health and appetite.

Causes of Kidney Cysts

The exact cause of kidney cysts is unknown. They may form because of weakened areas in the kidney's surface layer, which then gets filled with fluid.

Factors such as age, genetics, and certain conditions like polycystic kidney disease (PKD) can increase the risk.

Can Kidney Cysts Damage the Kidney?

Large or multiple cysts can potentially damage the kidney by causing obstruction or by impairing kidney function over time.
In severe cases, especially with conditions like polycystic kidney disease (PKD), multiple large cysts can lead to kidney failure.

Are Kidney Cysts Dangerous?

Most kidney cysts are not dangerous and do not cause symptoms. However, complex cysts or those that grow large can lead to complications and may require monitoring or treatment. Sometimes, some large cysts may be harmless, and small kidney cysts could also potentially be harmful.

Simple kidney cysts are not cancerous. However, complex cysts have the potential to be canc

erous, so they may require further investigation through imaging tests.

Treatment for Kidney Cysts

Treatment for kidney cysts depends on their size and whether they are causing symptoms and are affecting the function of the kidney. Small, non-symptomatic cysts typically do not require treatment.

A kidney cyst is generally considered large if it is more than 5 centimeters in diameter. Large cysts are more likely to cause symptoms and may require treatment. Larger or symptomatic cysts may be treated with aspiration, sclerotherapy, or surgery.

Kidney cysts can be removed through laparoscopic surgery which is a minimally invasive procedure. It involves small cuts on your body and a camera to guide the surgeon. In laparoscopic surgery, the scars on your body are much fewer, hence faster recovery. Also, the hospital stay is shorter than traditional open surgery.

Can Kidney Cysts be Cured?

While simple kidney cysts usually do not need treatment, they cannot be "cured" per se. However, symptomatic cysts can be managed effectively with appropriate treatment.

When kidney cyst removal surgery is required?

Surgery may be considered for kidney cysts larger than 5 centimeters, especially if they are causing symptoms or complications.
How does it look like? Well, on an ultrasound scan, a kidney cyst appears as a fluid-filled sac with a clear outline. Simple cysts look like black, oval structures, while complex cysts may have irregular shapes or solid areas.

Can Kidney Cysts be Removed Without Surgery?

Small, simple cysts that do not cause symptoms generally do not require removal. But your kidney doctor needs to continue monitoring your health. Aspiration or sclerotherapy can sometimes manage cysts without the need for surgery.

A lot of patients ask for medicines to cure kidney cysts. However, medications cannot cure kidney cysts, but they can help manage symptoms like pain or infections associated with cysts.

Seeing a Doctor for Kidney Cysts

If you are experiencing kidney cyst symptoms or have been diagnosed with it, it is essential to see the best nephrologist or a urologist. A nephrologist who specialises in kidney health can provide appropriate care. A urologist specialises in performing surgical treatment for kidney cysts when required.

Exercise, Diet for Kidney Cysts

Regular exercise is safe for individuals with kidney cysts. However, for patients with numerous and enlarged cysts, it is essential to avoid contact sports such as football, boxing, etc. wherein there is a high possibility of attracting injury in the belly area or activities that may cause trauma to the kidneys like dumbbell workouts, lifting heavy gym equipment, etc. Always consult with a kidney doctor before starting a new exercise regimen.

A healthy diet that supports kidney function can be beneficial. Drinking plenty of water and reducing salt intake can help maintain kidney health. Consult with our expert dietitian Suneetha Rao who specialises in dietary advice for patients suffering from kidney problems.

Kidney cysts are common and usually harmless. However, it is essential to monitor them and seek medical advice if you experience symptoms. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatment options can help manage kidney cysts effectively and maintain kidney health.


For more information, consult our kidney specialist Dr. Aashish S today.


Mayoclinic :

NCBI Books: NCBI NIH books

NCBI: Simple renal cysts in
childhood associated with kidney stones

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