Stapler Circumcision Surgical Treatment: A Newer Technique for Tight Foreskin

Circumcision has been practised for centuries, primarily for religious, cultural, or medical reasons. However, advancements in medical technology have introduced newer, less invasive techniques like stapler circumcision, which is gaining popularity, particularly in treating conditions like phimosis.

While traditional surgery shows disadvantages such as lengthy procedures, likely for blood loss, etc. there is another safe treatment for circumcision which is Stapler circumcision.

In this blog post, we will cover how stapler circumcision offers better surgical treatment for phimosis and extra foreskin on the penis.

Before we discuss stapler circumcision, let’s have a little closer look into circumcision.

Circumcision meaning & Overview:

Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves the partial or complete removal of the foreskin, the tissue covering the head of the penis i.e. male reproductive organ. Circumcision is mostly performed on newborns in Jewish population and within 5-6 years of age among Muslims.

However, it can also be done on older children, adolescents, and adults. The procedure is generally simpler, and recovery is quicker in most individuals.

Circumcised vs. Uncircumcised Baby: Pros and Cons

While some parents choose to circumcise their baby for various reasons, others prefer to leave their child uncircumcised. Here are some key differences:


Benefits of Circumcised Surgery in Babies:

Circumcision can lower the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in infancy.  Although rare, circumcision can reduce the risk of penile cancer, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, etc. later in life.

Removing the foreskin eliminates the risk of developing phimosis (tight foreskin) and paraphimosis (trapped foreskin). It makes it easier to keep the penis clean, reducing the risk of infections.

Uncircumcised Baby: Benefits and Considerations

Some parents prefer to leave the foreskin intact, believing it is natural and doesn’t require alteration. Uncircumcised infants avoid the immediate pain and recovery period associated with circumcision. With proper hygiene, an uncircumcised penis can function normally without any health issues.

The decision to circumcise or leave a child uncircumcised is personal and often influenced by cultural, religious, or individual preferences. However, for conditions like phimosis, circumcision might become necessary.

Phimosis: A Common Indication for Circumcision

Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin becomes tight and cannot be pulled back over the glans. It is common in infants and young boys but usually resolves naturally by adolescence. However, when phimosis persists or causes complications like infections, pain, or difficulty urinating, circumcision may be recommended.

Phimosis is common in children and usually resolves on its own. But sometimes, it is caused by infection, scarring, or inflammation and may require medical intervention.

Symptoms of Phimosis:

  • Pain during urination
  • Swelling or redness around the foreskin
  • Recurrent infections (balanitis)
  • Pain during erections (in older boys or adults)

Stapler circumcision meaning:

Stapler circumcision is a modern surgical technique that uses a disposable circumcision stapler device to remove the foreskin. This method is gaining popularity due to its efficiency and reduced recovery time.

Stapler Circumcision Surgery Procedure: What to Expect

Stapler circumcision is an advanced surgical technique for treating phimosis. Unlike traditional methods, this procedure uses a circular stapler device, which reduces the surgical time and enhances the healing process.

1. Preparation:

The patient is evaluated, and the procedure is explained. Anaesthesia is administered to numb the area—local or general, depending on the patient’s age and overall health.

2. The Procedure:

  • The foreskin is carefully separated from the glans if still attached.
  • The excess foreskin is then trimmed, and the remaining skin edges are stapled/sealed.
  • In stapler circumcision, a special device resembling a stapler is used to simultaneously cut and seal the wound with tiny staples, reducing surgery time and bleeding.
  • The entire procedure takes about 10-15 minutes, making it one of the quickest circumcision methods available.

3. Post-Surgery Care:

  • The area is cleaned, and a dressing is applied to protect the wound.
  • Pain relief medications and antibiotics may be prescribed to manage pain and prevent infection.

Benefits and Advantages of Stapler Circumcision over Traditional Surgery:

  • Reduced Operation Time: The stapler circumcision procedure is an easy and safe operation. It typically takes about 15 minutes, which is shorter compared to traditional methods.
  •  Minimal Tissue Injury: The stapler device is designed to simultaneously cut and seal the wound, leading to less tissue damage.
  • Lower Blood Loss: The technique minimises bleeding, which is a significant advantage over conventional methods.
  • Faster Recovery: Patients often experience quicker healing and can resume daily activities sooner.
  • Fewer Post-Operative Complications: There is a lower risk of infection and other complications due to the precise nature of the procedure



Stapler circumcision offers several benefits, including reduced operation time, minimal tissue injury, and faster recovery. Based on your medical condition and specific requirements, the choice of method can be made in consultation with your urology doctor.

NU Hospitals, Bengaluru has many expert urologists and state-of-the-art facilities to carry out stapler circumcision surgical treatment. In case of any questions, contact us or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, X , and LinkedIn.


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