Nephrology Services
Urology Services
Dr. Ramakrishnan S
Dr. Ramakrishnan S
MBBS, MD (Gen-Medicine), DM (Nephrology)
Sr. Consultant Nephrologist & Transplant Physician
Experience : 38+ Years
Hospitals : NU Hospitals, Padmanabhanagar, Bengaluru
Specialities : Nephrology, General Nephrology, Pediatric Nephrology, Dialysis, Kidney Transplant, Renal (Kidney) Biopsy, Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy, Preventive Nephrology, Nephropathology, Plasmapheresis,
Know your doctor
Dr. S. Ramakrishnan is a Senior Consultant Nephrologist and is the Head of department Nephrology at NU Hospitals, Bangalore completed MBBS in Thanjavur Medical College in 1985 and postgraduate in General Medicine in Stanley Medical College Chennai in 1990. He is interested in all branches of General Medicine and chose Nephrology for further specialization as this field had a connection with all other branches of General Medicine. He completed the higher speciality course in Madras medical College in 1995. After a brief experience as Tutor of Nephrology in a teaching hospital and subsequently as Specialist in Nephrologist in a Middle East country, he joined NU Hospitals in 2004.
His special interest includes the evolution of better infection control practices and safety practices in the patient’s environment and demography of patients with kidney disease. With significant help from the Hospital, a number of policies and protocols on infection control have been developed and implemented. One of the major outcomes of these practices was significant reduction in the incidence of Hepatitis C infection, a blood-borne viral infection that can be transmitted among patients on maintenance haemodialysis (this infection had been a Nephrologists’ nightmare until the development of newer antiviral drugs for the treatment a couple of years ago) over the past few years.
Awards and Recognition
Nephrology service for 2 decades - Southern ChapterIndian Society of Nephrology (2020)
Best of Clinical Audits - CAHOCON (2018)
Clinical Experience
Experience in Clinical Trails
- An open-label prospective study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of rHuEPO (CIMAB, Cuba) in patients either on dialysis or non-dialysis for the management of anemia in chronic kidney disease. Co investigator – Dr.Ramakrishnan in the year 2005
- GRID Study in collaboration with Brigham and Women’s Hospital – Harvard Medical School. Co investigator – Dr.Ramakrishnan in the year 2011
Professional Membership
Professional Membership
- Life member of the Indian Society of Nephrology (ISN)
- Member of the Southern Chapter – Indian Society of Nephrology (SC-ISN)
- Pulmonary Infections in Renal Transplant Recipients
- Tuberculosis in Renal Transplant Recipients
- Primary Hyperoxaluria - Our Experience
- Post-transplant Survival in the Lower Socio-economic Strata
- Lupus Nephritis - Our Experience
- Post transplant Diabetes Mellitus
- 3 Year Survival in Renal Transplant Recipients
- Mortality in Diabetic Renal Transplant Recipients
- HD in elderly
- Ig A Nephropathy – Our experience
- Assessment of Nutritional status in HD patients
- Recovery of Renal Function in Obstructive Renal Failure - ISNSCCON 2010, Pondicherry
- Fistulogram in the management of AVF complications - ISNSCCON 2010, Pondicherry
- ICU admissions in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease - ISNSCCON 2012, Chennai
- Renal Transplantation in ADPKD - our experience - ISNSCCON 2012, Chennai
- Antibiogram of culture positive urine isolates – ISNSCCON 2013, Vijayawada
- CMV disease in renal transplant recipients - ISNSCCON 2013, Vijayawada
- Comparative study of diabetic and non diabetic end stage renal disease on maintenance hemodialysis - ISNCON 2013, New Delhi
- Vascular access audit - ISNCON 2013, New Delhi
- Why is arteriovenous fistula getting delayed? - ISNSCCON 2014, Bengaluru
- Arteriovenous fistula interventions – are they successful? - ISNSCCON 2014, Bengaluru
- Clinical audit on the incidence of Hepatitis C infection in hemodialysis unit – ISNSCCON 2015, Calicut
- Comparison of outcomes on Tacrolimus and Cyclosporine based immunosuppressive regimens in renal transplant recipients – ISNSCCON 2015, Calicut
- Comparative study of patients less than and more than 60 years on maintenance hemodialysis – ISNCON 2015, Bengaluru
- Hyponatremia in a tertiary care Nephrology Urology unit - ISNCON 2015, Bengaluru
- Dialysis after renal allograft loss – ISOT 2016, Chandigarh
- Outcome of renal transplantation in Ig A nephropathy - ISOT 2016, Chandigarh
ISN SC 2016 Trichy – February 2016
- Oral presentation on Renal allograft loss: a single-center experience – awarded second prize
- Author for oral presentation on Comparison of outcomes on Tacrolimus versus Cyclosporine based immunosuppressive
regimes in renal transplant recipients ISNSCCON 35th Annual Conference in Calicut – awarded second prize
- Clinical audit in management of CLABSI - ISNCON 2017, New Delhi
- Hospital admissions in patients on dialysis - ISNCON 2017, New Delhi
ISNSCCON 2017 Pondicherry – February 2017
- Co author for oral presentation on MRSA prevalence and use of Vancomycin in a tertiary care Nephrology Urology Hospital (won best paper award)
- Fractures in patients on dialysis - ISNCON 2018, Bhubaneswar
- Early Arteriovenous fistula creation – a myth or truth - ISNCON 2018 Bhubaneswar
- Outcome of AVF – Our experience – ISNCON 2019, Chandigarh
- PD drop out - Our experience – ISNCON 2019, Chandigarh
- Privileging in the dialysis unit – ISNSCCON 2020, Bengaluru
- Audit on empirical antibiotic use in PD peritonitis – how important is it - ISNSCCON 2020, Bengaluru
- Ullur AR, Modi SV, Nayak NM, Santanaraman R,Rangarajan D, Subramanian P. Bilateral superior parathyroid adenoma postkidney donation: A riddle, well, solved!! - A case report. Indian J Transplant 2021; 15:184-7.
- Dilip Rangarajan, Ramprasad Ramalingam, Ramakrishnan S, Kiran Chandra Patro. Safety Practices in Haemodialysis Unit. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. July 2020; 68(7):74.
- Kiran Chandra Patro, S Ramakrishnan, Roopa J, R Dilip. Comparison of Patient and Graft Survival in Tacrolimus versus Cyclosporine based immunosuppressive regimes in renal transplant recipients – Single Center experience from South India. Indian Journal of Transplantation.2018July; 12(3):165-8. (Review Article)
- http://www.ijtonline.in/article.asp?issn=2212-0017;year=2018;volume=12;issue=3;spage=165;epage=168;aulast=Patro
- Case report: Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease in Children. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation. 2016; 27(6):1242-45.
- Survival analysis of patients on maintenance hemodialysis; Indian J Nephrol Volume 24;No.4: 2014:PP 206-213 (Review Article)
- A study of impact of cost-effective nutritional supplement in patients on maintenance hemodialysis; Indian J Nephrol Volume 24;No.4; 2014:Pp 222-225(Review Article)
- Girish P Vakrani, S Ramakrishnan, Dilip Rangarajan. Acute Renal Failure in Diabetes Mellitus (Prospective Study); J Nephrol Ther 2013;3(3).
- Membranous Nephropathy and Graves’ Disease: A Case Report and Literature Review; J Nephrol Ther Vol. 3: 133: 2013
- Post transplant thrombotic microangiopathy causing acute renal failure; Indian Journal of Nephrology 2009; 19; 74-76 (Case Report)
- Syndrome of Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and Uveitis; JAPI VOL. 57: 2009; 177-179 (Case Report)
- Intraperitoneal bladder rupture mimicking acute renal failure in Indian Journal of Nephrology: Vol. 18 (1): 2008: Page 26-27. (Case Report)

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- NU Hospitals, Padmanabhanagar, Bangalore
- NU Hospitals, Rajajinagar, Bangalore
- NU Hospitals, Shivamogga
- KM NU Hospitals, Ambur
- NU Hospitals Super Speciality Clinic, Shivamogga
- NURF, Malé, Maldives
- NU Hospitals Dialysis Centre & Clinic, Hulhumale, Maldives
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Public Notice: NU Hospitals would like to inform the general public that NU Hospitals practices all organ transplants in accordance with The Transplantation of Human Organs Act 1994. NU Hospitals does not buy or sell any organ and seriously condemn this act. Every hospital including NU takes details of name, address, phone number while registering the patient.